Traffic Tickets and DWI
A charge for driving while intoxicated can have a drastic impact on your life. Not only will you likely be subject to court appearances and fines, but you also risk a suspended license, jail time, and mandatory drunk driving school attendance, among other penalties. Some of these consequences depend on factors such as whether or not you have any previous charges, the status of your license at the time of the incident, or the occupants in the vehicle during the incident.
In North Carolina, DWI fines range anywhere from $200 to $2000, and jail time ranges anywhere from 24 hours to 42 months — depending on the level of the offense. The state also requires a suspension of the offender’s driver’s license for a period of time.
For those facing a traffic ticket or DWI fine and the potential suspension of a license, enlisting the help of an experienced legal defense is crucial.

Hill Law Firm’s track record
At Hill Law Firm, our experienced attorneys will defend your state or federal case, thoroughly examining any evidence and testimonies in order to ensure that your liberties are being protected. To date, our attorneys have handled over 5,600 traffic tickets and 775 DWIs in the eastern North Carolina area.
Since DUI charges often carry serious penalties, it’s crucial for defendants to understand their rights and negotiate the most appropriate verdict. In addition to defending your case, our legal team can also aid you with issues regarding the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, increasing insurance premiums, and more.
Even seemingly minor traffic tickets can result in major consequences, like license suspension or hefty fees. It’s recommended to have a skilled attorney investigate your traffic case to determine whether or not your fines are warranted. In some cases, you may be able to avoid the repercussions of a traffic ticket altogether.
DWIs and college students
For college students, dealing with a DWI charge is often a stressful, unfamiliar situation. Across the state, Hill Law Firm has represented college students with DWI convictions, helping students understand their rights and defend their cases. Since we are headquartered in Greenville, we are intimately familiar with DWI cases for students in eastern North Carolina, from East Carolina University to Beaufort Community College and everywhere in between.
If you’re a college student facing a DWI charge — or even a minor traffic ticket — the skilled attorneys at Hill Law Firm can help you negotiate your case.
Call Hill Law Firm for DWI and Traffic Ticket Defense
Whether a DWI charge or a traffic ticket, your case could likely benefit from legal representation. Initial consultations with an attorney are free of charge. To learn more about what our defense has to offer and how we can help reduce or eliminate your charges, give Hill Law Firm a call today at (252) 758-1403 or complete the intake form below.