Trial Attorneys That Get Results
For the trial attorneys at Hill Law Firm, our clients are of the utmost importance to us and getting you the best possible outcome for your case is what we have always and will continue to strive for. While every case is different, we work hard to leverage our knowledge of the law and years of experience to obtain the best results for our clients.
The following case studies can speak to the success of our work:
Our client was charged with speeding 126 mph in a 70 mile per hour zone, speed competition and careless and reckless driving and was going to lose his motor vehicle to the state of North Carolina. He needed effective trial attorneys. After driving school and some community service hours, we were able to have the citation reduced to 79 miles per hours in a 70 mile per hour zone with a prayer for judgment continued which resulted in zero driving license points and zero insurance points.
Our client was charged with running a stop sign and exceeding a safe speed. We were able to have the citation reduced to a violation of a Greenville city code which results in zero driving license points and zero insurance points.
Our client was charged with illegal passing on a double yellow line. After a consultation with the highway patrolman and the assistant District Attorney, we were able to have the charge dismissed.
Our client was stopped at a roadblock and charged with driving while impaired. After review of the plan to set up the roadblock, it demonstrated by one of our trial attorneys that the plan was not in accordance with law enforcement standards. Therefore, the driving while impaired charge was dismissed.
Our client was charged with driving while impaired with a blood alcohol content of .14. At the trial in this matter, the judge found no probable cause for the stop by law enforcement and the driving while impaired citation was dismissed.
Our client was charged with driving while impaired after an accident. Before the trial, Myron T. Hill, Jr. determined that law enforcement could not place our client behind the wheel of the vehicle. The assistant District Attorney agreed to a plea of careless and reckless driving and the driving while impaired charge was dismissed.
College Student Offenses
Our client was charged with the underage purchase of alcohol and possession of a fake identification card. After attending the Street Safe alcohol program and completing some community service hours, all charges were dismissed and later expunged.
Our client was charged with misdemeanor injury to real property at East Carolina University. After paying restitution to the University, completing some community service hours and writing a letter of apology, all charges were dismissed and later expunged.
Our client was charged with breaking and entering of a sorority house after consuming a lot of alcohol. One of our trial attorneys arranged for a consultation between the sorority leaders and East Carolina University police, the charge was dismissed against our client.
Drug Related Offenses
Our client was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine, possession of stolen goods, felony larceny and felony breaking and entering. A plea arrangement was worked out where our client pled guilty to misdemeanor simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. These charges were dismissed and later expunged for a clean record.
Our client was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana, felony possession of marijuana, possession of methamphetamine, possession with intent to sell and deliver synthetic cannaboid and cannabis, maintaining a vehicle or dwelling for controlled substance and carrying a concealed gun. A plea was arranged where our client would plead guilty to felony possession of methamphetamine and complete a one year probationary sentence. At the end of that sentence the possession of methamphetamine charge was dismissed and all charges were expunged.
Our client was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine, possession of cocaine and maintaining a vehicle dwelling place for controlled substances after a trial in this matter, a jury of 12 citizens found our client not guilty based on the cross examination of the confidential informants and law enforcement officers in this case.
Our client was charged with assault on a female and injury to personal property after completing an anger management course and community service hours. All charges were dismissed against our client.
Our client was charged with felony assault by strangulation, assault on a female, communicating threats and interference with emergency communication. A plea arrangement resulted in our client pleading guilty to 1 count of interference with emergency communication with court costs and a fine. Our client was charged with felony assault by strangulation, assault on a female and related charges. After a jury trial in this matter, our client was found not guilty after testifying in the case.
Our client was charged with the first degree murder of her mother. After a jury trial in this matter, our client was found not guilty of all charges.
Firearm Offenses
Our client was charged with assault on a female, simple possession of marijuana, going armed to the terror of the people, resisting a public officer, communicating threats and misdemeanor injury to real property. One of our trial attorneys arranged for a plea where our client would plead guilty to one count of resisting a public officer and pay court costs and a fine.
Our client was charged with robbery with a weapon of four local stores in a federal case. After reviewing the videotapes of all four stores and witness statements, our client pled guilty to one count of robbery with a dangerous weapon, receiving a much lighter sentence than if he had been convicted of all four armed robberies.
Our client was charged with felony possession of a firearm by a felon. Our office argued that the weapon was in the vehicle but was not in the immediate possession of our client as it was not in the client’s reach. This charge was dismissed.
Breaking and Entering / Burglary
Our client was charged with felony burglary, breaking and entering and larceny of a residence. Through research, it was determined that this was a robbery of a local drug dealer. Our client pled guilty to misdemeanor breaking and entering.
Our client was charged with several felony burglaries, breaking and entering and larcenies. Our client pled not guilty and we had a jury trial in this matter. Our client was found not guilty, due to the fact that neither the witness or law enforcement officer could positively identify our client to the satisfaction of the jury.
Our client was charged with the breaking and entering of a local law enforcement office and stealing pounds of marijuana. Our client cooperated with law enforcement authorities, testified in a trial and was placed on probation.
Sex Offenses
Our client was charged with a second degree sex offense of a minor, which carried a lengthy prison sentence. After negotiations with the district attorney’s office, our client pled guilty to indecent liberties with a child, which resulted in a probationary sentence.
Our client was charged with misdemeanor sexual battery, in that, he allegedly touched a female’s behind at a local bar. After a trial before a District Court judge in this matter, our client was found not guilty.
Our client was alleged to have raped a coed at East Carolina University. After our client passed our private polygraph examination, the state of North Carolina took a voluntary dismissal.
Federal Offenses
Our client, the vice president of a company, was charged along with the president and the corporation, with 250 counts each of healthcare fraud in the Eastern District of North Carolina. After a four week jury trial, the president was convicted on all counts and the corporation was convicted on all counts; however, our client received 250 verdicts of not guilty.
Our client was charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud affecting a financial institution in the Eastern District of North Carolina. After a one week jury trial our client was found not guilty of all charges.
Our client, a corporation, was charged with transporting cigarettes from the state of North Carolina to the state of New York without paying North Carolina taxes on the cigarettes resulting in a huge profit. After a consultation with assistant United States Attorney with the Eastern District of North Carolina all charges against the corporation were dismissed.
Our client was originally charged with trafficking cocaine, possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana and maintaining a vehicle / dwelling place for controlled substances. We pled him to possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine. We immediately expunged all of his arrests. After ten years, we were able to expunge the guilty plea to possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine, resulting in a clean record for our client.
Our client was charged with assault on a female and assault by strangulation. All charges were eventually dismissed. We were able to expunge the felony assault by strangulation and misdemeanor assault on a female form his arrest record, resulting in a clean record.
We had an ECU student charged with numerous underage drinking citations including possession of a fake identification. After the charges were dismissed, we had her arrest record expunged, resulting in a clean record.
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