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Everyone who has made a mistake wants to put it in the past where it belongs, but sometimes that is hard to do when you have a criminal record following you wherever you go. It can be hard to move on with your life after a criminal charge or conviction.

Luckily, the state of North Carolina recently updated its expungement procedures and made it easier to clear your record of past charges and convictions. Until recently, individuals had to wait 15 years after the end of their sentences or convictions in order to get the charge or conviction expunged. That amount of time has been significantly reduced thanks to new legislation.

Expungement, as explained by the American Bar Association, is “the process by which a record of criminal conviction is destroyed or sealed from state or federal record. An expungement order directs the court to treat the criminal conviction as if it had never occured, essentially removing it from a defendant’s criminal record as well as, ideally the public record.” Expungements must be ordered by a judge or court.

In North Carolina, the expungement process can take anywhere from six to 12 months and can only be done for nonviolent crimes. You may be eligible for an expungement if:

  • You went to court and were found not guilty
  • You went to court and your case was dismissed
  • You were arrested but never charged
  • You were found guilty of certain misdemeanors
  • You were found guilty of certain nonviolent felonies (Class H or Class I)
  • You had your identity stolen and were wrongly accused of a crime
I wanted to thank you for all of your work in handling the dismissal last week. I was elated to hear that by the end of the year, my record should be clear of my freshman mistakes. When Dad first mentioned this, If felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. This also opens the door for more employment opportunities. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
- Rod, Holly Springs, NC

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What Hill Law Firm Can Do For You

Having a criminal record can weigh heavily on your mind. Additionally it can make finding employment, housing, and other things more challenging. Let us at Hill Law Firm help you.

While not all charges and convictions are eligible for expungement, our firm will do everything in its power to get your record expunged. The process can be tricky and you’ll want us by your side helping you every step of the way.

Want to know if you can get your North Carolina record expunged? Schedule a free consultation with our firm to see if you are eligible to begin the process of clearing your record. Do not let the past weigh down your future — give us a call today.

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While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a consultation with an attorney, please call (252) 758-1403 or complete the intake form below.